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Organ Donor Registry

Becoming the solution to a problem and perhaps saving 14 or more lives—how rewarding could that be??? Seventeen people on the national waiting list die every day—6,200 each year—because an organ is not available for transplant. In 2002, 1,371 Donor Eyes were received, of which 870 corneas were provided for transplant, 298 corneas to Iowans alone.

Anyone age 18 years or older, or legal guardians of a minor, can create a Document of Gift, legally recording and explaining their wishes to be an organ and tissue donor, by:

A “yes” on your driver’s license is also a legal Document of Gift, HOWEVER for organ donation only. Your driver’s license cannot specify your consent to donate tissues or eyes. Creating your one Document of Gift means your family won’t have to decide whether or not to donate your organs and tissues- you’ve decided for yourself. It’s still important to express your donation wishes to family members, which can alleviate concerns or questions.

There are three areas for donation: tissue, organ, and research. To be useful for organ donation the individual must be declared that impending death is imminent, and the body is kept alive on mechanical devices. Should the death follow CPR, then the options for recovery will change. Having your Document of Gift on the registry saves the critical decision at such a difficult time.

Make that decision today!