Comprehensive, confidential care including testing, treatment, and health education.
Clinic services
Well-woman examinations
Pap smears and breast examinations
Birth-control methods on-site – pills, implants, IUDs, and shots
Free condoms and emergency contraception
Sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing and treatment – gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis and herpes
Rapid HIV and syphilis testing
HIV prevention medications and navigation services
Urinary tract and vaginal infection testing and treatment
Pregnancy testing, counseling, and referrals
Gardasil vaccinations – we do not provide vaccines for children.
Preventive and reproductive health education
Clinic fees are based on income, and no one is denied services based on their ability to pay. Most major insurance plans are accepted.
Note: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid requires charge master data to be provided in a machine-readable file format. We have provided a .XML file to meet this requirement.
Same-day appointments are available.
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Wednesday: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
801 S. Roosevelt Ave., Suite C
Burlington, IA 52601
This clinic follows applicable civil rights laws and does not discriminate against, exclude people, or treat them differently based on race, color, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ethnic or national origin, age, marital status, number of pregnancies status with respect to public assistance or disability.
Family Planning of Southeast Iowa is funded by a Title X family planning grant and donations. To make a contribution, please address checks to Great River Health - Family Planning of Southeast Iowa, 801 S. Roosevelt Ave., Suite C, Burlington, IA 52601.